Our testimonials on agile work

Agile Coaching in Action

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References and success stories of agile work with it-agile

Ranging from consulting and training to workshops and full-scale development projects, our coaches, consultants and developers have successfully carried out a wide array of agile initiatives for more than 700 companies.

These include 40% of all DAX30 firms, featuring well-known clients such as BMW, Bayer, Zeiss, mobile.de, Otto, Deutsche Telekom, SAP AG, and hama GmbH & Co. KG.

DAX companies
Large and small-sized companies

Impact with it-agile

Selected Success Storys

Self-designed Teams at AOK Systems

Identifying and implementing future team collaboration constellations - taking self-responsibility and reflecting on the given framework conditions for effective work, achieved through a self-designing team workshop.

Self-organized growth on an equal footing

ForTomorrow is a young non-profit GmbH that offers CO2 compensation that is proven to benefit the climate. They reforest new German forests, thereby increasing the absorption of CO2 from the atmosphere. As a second component, ForTomorrow buys EU emission rights and freezes them. it-agile coaches the founder on how to achieve company growth on an equal footing and through self-organization.

Improving Collaboration and Feedback Loops for Fewer Incidents

As a major interface with various areas within the company, the support team aimed to gain trust and increase satisfaction among stakeholders. To achieve this, they decided to establish transparent and feedback-oriented collaboration between the support team interfaces and business units. This approach helped to reduce the number of incidents and recognize the full potential of the support team as a cross-functional link.

Green and agile - Greenpeace Energy (now: Green Planet Energy) achieves its goals in product development outside of IT through adapted Scrum methods.

Greenpeace Energy quickly learned how to apply a shortened 2-day Scrum cycle, cross-functional teams, and a customer-focused approach to product development outside of IT. They learned to think in solutions rather than differences.

Scrum pilot takes on process redesign for new system

In order to support innovative transport processes in the gas industry, the existing system was to be replaced by a new (standard) software. The old system had lost its maintainability and the depicted processes were considered too inefficient. To incorporate the actually lived processes from the various business areas together with the new requirements for the new development, Scrum was used as the development approach. A particular challenge of the project was that ongoing operations had to be ensured.

Agile development of a holistic case management system for HDI

To enable a holistic case management for outstanding customer satisfaction, a new system was required. This system should integrate data and functions from existing systems and provide a uniform interface. With this interface, it should be possible for the case handler to process complete business transactions with little effort.

Leadership, management, and alignment in a growing company

Jimdo had set itself the goal of growing rapidly within a short period of time. Arne Roock wrote a detailed report on how they were able to maintain their casual corporate culture while promoting transparency, communication, and exchange among employees.

Agile in a large project

it-agile supported the development of a product team within a large project by coaching the Scrum Master, Product Owner, and Project Manager, temporarily taking on the role of Scrum Master, and assisting with the use of agile tools. The coaches from it-agile identified dependencies that extended beyond the boundaries of the team. After about six weeks of support, the team was able to reliably implement the agreed-upon user stories in almost every sprint. The challenging schedule of the project was met, and the product was put into operation without any problems.

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